Deku and his friends take on a daring rescue operation when villains hack into I-Expo - the world's leading hero item exhibition. All Might is trapped by their sinister plan, and his best hope for saving everyone lies in the new generation of heroes.

"Because I am here!"
Several years ago, there was an attack on a Casino in California, USA. Two villains, one blue and beastly and the other clad in red, escape from the scene and stir up a public panic. The police, Elecplant, and Cow Lady try to apprehend the criminals, but they lose in a battle of Quirks. The chaos threatens a family trapped in their car, including a little girl, but a young, yet unknown hero sends the villainous duo flying with a strong punch.
The villains demand to know who they're fighting, but the young man simply replies he's a hero from Japan. The villains attack with a missile barrage that the hero easily dismisses. More interested in escaping than fighting, the two criminals quickly flee the scene. The hero loses track of them after taking too long to boast.
Another young man arrives at the scene at top speed using the Allmobile. Together, David Shield and Toshinori Yagi pursue the villains through town using a drone to track them through downtown LA.

It's not long before David is gaining on the villains. The red one fires missiles at them but the Allmobile counters with a shield of bubbles that nullify the explosions. David is impatient because he and Toshinori are going to be late for a lecture at school.
Toshinori kicks his abilities into high gear and soars high into the sky. The villains try to escape up the side of a skyscraper, but nothing prepares them for Toshinori's incredible power. Missiles only manage to burn Toshinori's clothes away, revealing the hero costume hidden beneath. Toshinori finishes the battle in incredible fashion, using a Super Move named after David's home state, California Smash.
Cow Lady, Elecplant, and other bystanders watch in amazement of a hero they don't recognize. David informs them that his name is All Might, and he will become the world's Symbol of Peace
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